Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Survival Interview

Dr. Russell Sabella gives practical tips on getting through the Holidays.

ARRA Success Story: Counselors in Fairfax County, VA

In the spring of 2009, Sue, Jill and Jon-Paul were among 58 counselors in the district who were notified that their jobs would be eliminated due to Fairfax County Public Schools $120 million budget deficit. Through the ARRA, the school district received $23.7 million dollars in stimulus money. Some of the funding was used to save all 58 counselor positions, ensuring that students would receive necessary academic and emotional support. In February 2009, ARRA allocated $100 billion to the U.S. Department of Education with the goal of delivering emergency education funding to fill significant education budget gaps in order to avert layoffs of personnel in school districts and universities across the nation. According to, approximately 325,000 education jobs were either created or saved so far.

Configuring Facebook's new privacy settings

In December 2009 Facebook changed its privacy settings to include ways to control who can see certain information. This video describes how to configure those settings.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Video Games in Theatres

Investigators uncovered there is little regulation when it comes to video games in movie theaters.

Webcast: What Kids Learn When They Create with Digital Media

This forum, entitled "The Power of Youth Voice," brought together experts in digital media and learning to share their research and experiences using digital media in and outside of the classroom. Speakers included: Renee Hobbs, Founder, Media Education Lab, Temple University; Nichole Pinkard, Founder, Digital Youth Network and DePaul University professor; Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, Director, National Programs and Site Development, National Writing Project; Moderator: Connie Yowell, Director of Education, MacArthur Foundation.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Social Media Revolution

Social Media Revolution: Is social media a fad?

Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? This video details out social media facts and figures that are hard to ignore. This video is produced by the author of Socialnomics.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

20 Solution-Focused Techniques

This video contains a description of 20 of the most well known solution-focused techniques. The solution-focused approach is a simple and effective approach to change was invented and developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg and their co-workers. Initially, the solution-focused approach was applied in the field of psychotherapy. Today, it is applied in many fields. The interest in the approach is growing strongly. In the organizational setting, the approach has often proven its usefulness both in individual coaching and in organizational development. The approach is positive and realistic at the same time. It acknowledges problems without focusing too long on them, it helps making desired results explicit, it helps finding out what works to make progress in the direction of those results and it invites you to do more of what works.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Unveiling of the Goard

Unveiling of the goard. I just happened to be the 100th person who signed up to be a fan of the Chestnut Tree Gallery and Still Waters Studio Face Book page ( and won a wonderful Goard likeness of myself. Hmmm, does this really look like me?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rosalind's Inbox: Why "That's So Gay" is Not Okay

Rosalind answers a question from a guy who is having a hard time getting his friends to stop using the words "gay" and "fag" to degrade people. How does he get them to listen without being blown off?

Cyber Bullying - Lets fight it Together

story about a boy called joe who is bullyed becasue he is smart this video goes into what it is like to be cyber bullyed

YOU ARE NOT ALONE , get help

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Did You Know 4.0

This is another official update to the original "Shift Happens" video. This completely new Fall 2009 version includes facts and stats focusing on the changing media landscape, including convergence and technology, and was developed in partnership with The Economist. For more information, or to join the conversation, please visit and

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Do YOU believe in me?

Dalton Sherman the 5thgrader keynote speaker for the Dallas Independent School Districts 2008 Back to School pep rally gave this speech in front of 20000 teachers. Watch their reactions excitement and standing ovation over his powerful message.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The power of self-found internal solutions

In this video I first explain the value of what I call self-found internal solutions (through my model The Solutions Grid). Then I explain how in solution-focused coaching and therapy clients are facilitated to find self-found internal solutions (through my model Pathways to progress). Hopefully this video is useful for you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Create a Combination Chart in Excel

Learn how to make a combination chart with secondary axis in Excel using this 15 second tutorial.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Plastic Logic Debuts eReader Fall Demo 08

Plastic Logic debuted its eReader and plastic electronics technology at Fall Demo 08 Winning the People's Choice Award

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back to School Study Tips - - The John Tesh Radio Show

Here are three ways to help you study whether you are in grade school, high school or college.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

OffiSync V2 Demo

OffiSync is an Office toolbar that integrates Google Search, Google image search and Google Docs right into Microsoft Office. With OffiSync you can improve the way you add content to your documents, store your files online and streamline collaboration

Friday, July 3, 2009

Back to School

Dad and son sharpen pencils while mom does all of the hard "back to school" stuff.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Using PowerPoint and PhotoStory3 to create a Narrated Presentation

Bring your accountability reports (and other presentations) to life with a free program called Microsoft Photo Story 3. This method is very similar to doing narrated PowerPoints although probably a bit easier and with a higher "cool" effect. In this method, you will export your PPT slides as graphics and then use those graphics to narrate within Photo Story 3. Your product is a video. Realize, though, that when you use this technique, the animation within PowerPoint does not transfer. Instead, you will get a panning effect which is also very nice. This video is one of the many you will find on the Data Boot Camp for School Counselors and Administrators - CD available from

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Secrets Of Big Success

Harry Smith spoke with author Malcolm Gladwell about his new book "Outliers," which tackles the secrets of individuals whose success is beyond the norm.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Language That Lifts Tour

No Cussing Club Founder McKay Hatch shares his message with over 600 kids at a school assembly in Arizona.

Monday, June 15, 2009

2009 School Counselor of the Year

The 2009 School Counselor of the Year, presented by Naviance and the American School Counselor Association.

2009 School Counselor of the Year

The 2009 School Counselor of the Year, presented by Naviance and the American School Counselor Association.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Google Translator Toolkit

An introduction to Google Translator Toolkit, a free, online, translation app that helps translators bring content into their language faster and better.

Monday, June 8, 2009

4 Ways to Get Over Trauma

Leading psychotherapist and trauma expert, Bill O'Hanlon, author of 28 books, tells how to get over trauma (it is possible). 4 ways are detailed.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cyberbullying Interview

Dr. Russell Sabella, author of A Practical Guide to Keeping Kids Out of High-Tech Trouble (see discusses cyberbullying and provides tips for parents.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Power of One - School Video Sample

This uplifting and moving film deals with the subject of elementary school bullying. Three short films in one, the video is an anthology of stories about new children at school and the lessons they bring about respect and fairness to their classmates. 24-minutes long, study guide included. Order online at, or call 800-477-8277.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What you resist persist - Carl Yung

A solution focused message for us counselors. What you resist, persist. What you fight you get more off, Carl Jung, 1875-1961

Sunday, May 24, 2009 Book

Dr. Russell Sabella introduces his newest book, A Practical Guide to Keeping Kids Out of High-Tech Trouble. From podcasts to porn, cyberbullying to cell phones, Dr. Russell Sabella helps readers understand the risks that emerge when high-tech tools, uninformed parents, and exuberant youth collide. Because kids are growing up with modern technologies, many are more expert than their parents. As a result, a parent's ability to make effective decisions for how technology is used may be compromised. empowers parents, educators, and other care takers to better understand the electronic terrain. Readers will be better able to help children safely and securely navigate a minefield of inappropriate and risky situations.

Beat Bullying

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Weight Bias at Home and School

Overweight and obese youth are frequently teased, tormented, and victimized because of their weight. Weight-based teasing and stigma (also called 'weight bias') can have a detrimental impact on both emotional well-being and physical health. The Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University ( has released this new video to help parents and teachers understand the severity and impacts of weight bias in school and at home and
to present strategies to help combat this rapidly growing problem for overweight teens and pre-adolescents. This video, hosted by celebrity and activist Emme and featuring Rudd Center experts including Dr. Rebecca Puhl and Dr. Kelly Brownell, uses expert commentary and dramatic representation to address the obstacles that overweight and obese youth encounter with weight bias.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Teen Bullying Prevention - A Cyber Bullying Suicide Story-6

Teen Bullying Prevention - A Cyber Bullying Suicide Story-6

A Common Sense Approach to Internet Safety

Google and Common Sense Media have teamed up to create this video of common sense tips and rules for families to help keep their children safe online. For these tips and additional information about online safety, check out the Common Sense Media website at

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Google Squared is Coming!

One of the next frontiers of search is taking all of the unstructured data spread helter-skelter across the Web and treat it like it is sitting in a nice, structured database. It is easier to get answers out of a database where everything is neatly labeled, stamped, and categorized.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Solution-Focused Coaching - Pathways to Progress

Simplified representation of the solution-focused coaching process. Models by Steve de Shazer and by John Walter and Jane Peller were my main inspirations for this model.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Historia de un letrero (original video)

Short story winner of the Cannes Festival, 2008. The music was composed by Luis Enríquez Bacalov, from Argentina.


How parents can help their kids deal with cyberbullying and give them skills to manage their online reputation.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Solution Focused Therapy

This is especially helpful to see how the model works in a career development context. Short video although well done.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Did You Know?

Fantastic video on the progression of information technology, researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Bronman, remixed.